Terms of Use


This website is owned & operated by Annie’s Accents and is made available on the following terms and conditions. By using the website, you accept these terms and conditions, which shall be interpreted according to the law as practiced in the State of Georgia. 

Privacy Policy

Personal data provided by you will be used only to facilitate our contact with you (should you request it), and will never be sold, traded, or given away. 

We use forms on our website. Each form states what you will receive and can expect by providing your information. By submitting a form on www.annies-accents.com, you are consenting to receiving email correspondence. This data will never be shared publicly and is only used to help us better identify what content and information you might find useful in the future.

You have the right to request to see your personal data in our database and request it be removed at any time. To make one of these requests please email ajohnson@annies-accents.com

Cookie Policy

We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a data file sent by an Internet Server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server. 

Types of Cookies we use

Analytical: These cookies give us insights into how our website is performing, how our website is used and how users interact with the website. The information collected is anonymous and statistical. 

Authentication: These cookies are used to identify unique visitors to the website. These cookies help keep your visit to the site secure.

Session: These are cookies that are designed to improve your visit to our website. These allow us to identify your device as you use the website, so that you are not treated as a new visitor each time you go to another page; Ensure that the servers that we use to power the website each serve an equal number of users, to help make everyone’s browsing a swift and responsible as possible; noting your browser’s capabilities to improve readability.

How to reject cookies

All browsers have a setting to opt you out of accepting cookies. Doing this will remove some of the functionality of ours, and other websites. You can find steps to complete this using the links below

Cookies in Chrome

Third Party cookies

The types of cookies we listed above are provided by third parties. 

Google Analytics: allows us to gather insights into how visitors use and interact with our website. To obtain these insights, Google Analytics uses a number of cookies. The information collected is anonymous and statistical. To give you additional control, Google Analytics gives users the ability to opt out of these cookies, http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

GetRespose: We use GetResponse to help us in our marketing efforts. These cookies provide insights into how visitor interact with our marketing materials. You can find more information about GetResponse privacy policies here: https://www.getresponse.com/legal/privacy.html 


You are entitled to access this website for your own personal use. You acknowledge that the copyright and all other intellectual property rights for material on the site belong to Antoinette Johnson and Annie's Accents, LLC. 

Changes to the site

Annie's Accents, LLC. may, at any time, make alterations to or withdraw this website or any part of it. 


Annie's Accents, LLC. will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss, damage, or profit arising from your use of the Web site. This includes, but is not limited to, any implied warranty that the information it contains is accurate or up-to-date or is suitable for any particular purpose.

We need your consent to load the translations

We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.